Monday, 8 February 2010

Stu's cushion

I made the cushion Stuart wanted so he can sit comfortably on the outdoor furniture after his surgery.  I had made the blocks a couple of years ago as I was going to make him an American theme quilt.  I had gone off that idea and decided to use these in this cushion which is 24 inches in size.  I made it on the day he was coming home from hospital and had it sitting on the swingseat for his arrival home.  He loves it and now I need to make one for me as it is very comfortable.
This is the other side of the cushion.

I picked up my new sewing machine on Friday and made a block on it.  I have worked the weekend and now have 3 days off to play only I have to take Stuart to the doctor soon which cuts in to my playing time.  I am almost a little scared to use it which is why I have procrastinated and played on Facebook and now written this.

1 comment:

  1. Well done!!! Love the cushion!!!
    I am pleased you have your new machine looking foward to see all the work it can do.


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